The Impact of Our Work
First Book Canada transforms the lives of children in need by making brand-new, high-quality books and resources affordable and available to the educators and kids who need them most.
Our Model of Change
First Book Canada is a nonprofit working to remove barriers to an equitable education for children living in low-income communities. We are passionate supporters of the educators who serve kids in need. We pride ourselves on having business minds and non-profit hearts. First Book Canada is dedicated to breaking down the barriers to educational equity by increasing access to evidence-based best practices, books, and resources in underserved communities. And First Book Canada is a bridge-builder, collaborating with public and private partners, translating best-in-class expertise into educational resources to support learning for children in underserved communities.

First Book Canada Network
The First Book Canada Network is made up of more than 20,000 educators & non-profit programs who exclusively serve kids in need.

First Book Canada Marketplace
The First Book Canada Marketplace provides 24/7 access to high-quality, new books, and educational resources at deeply discounted prices to First Book’s network of educators.

First Book Canada Accelerator
The First Book Canada Accelerator turns our cutting-edge research into expert-informed, actionable teaching tools — in weeks rather than decades — so educators don’t have to wait for the latest evidence-based strategies that will help their students.

Featured Partners
Dedicated partners help us create even more opportunities for educators and kids in need.

Over 4,000 Newcomer, Refugee, and Indigenous families with preschool children have received over 20,000 high-quality children’s book thanks to our fortuitous collaboration with First Book Canada.
— Deborah, Mothers Matter Centre | Vancouver, British Columbia