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For 23 years, we’ve been committed to promoting educational equality for kids in need. We’ve seen the tremendous impact books have on children’s lives. But many children need far more than books to learn and succeed.

An overwhelming number of low-income families struggle meet the basic needs of their children, such as providing food, shelter and clothing. In fact, 79% of the educators and program leaders we serve say the children they work with have difficulty getting basic needs met.

basic needs stat revised A teacher may go through great lengths to help his or her students read and learn. But on a very cold day, if the students don’t have coats or hats, they can’t attend school and fall behind. If kids can’t even remember their last meal, they cannot focus in class.

We understand that kids need more than just books to thrive. That’s why we provide educators with clothing and nonperishable food on the First Book Marketplace. Together, we can ensure their students have everything they need to show up to class and do their best.

Access the tools you need to help the children you serve succeed. If you work with kids in need, you can find food, clothing, school supplies and more on the First Book Marketplace.