Books for bilingualism

“Thank you tremendously for the books! The buzz in the air around in our schools from students and teachers is unreal; I will never forget the faces of the teachers when I arrived with boxes of books for their students.”

– Jayme McClintock, 2017

Jayme McClintock is a Community Learning Centers Development Officer with the New Frontiers School Board. She works for the schools in her area, facilitating the creation of school and community partnerships to support student success, community engagement, lifelong learning, health and well-being. She has received positive feedback from many of the staff and teachers at participating schools. Students who received books from First Book Canada were thrilled to be able to take home their own books. 

With 2 high schools, 10 elementary schools, and 3 adult centers, the New Frontiers School Board is home to a diverse group of students of all ages. All of the schools offer bilingual education, and 50% are identified as NANS (New Approaches, New Solutions) schools. The high incidence of students at-risk due to socioeconomic disadvantage is a critical factor in the portrait of New Frontiers. New Frontiers also serves the Indigenous community of Kahnawake with students attending schools and centres.

First Book Canada has given kindergarten students the opportunity to take home a brand new English book, and for many students, it is their first. Some of the elementary schools have started initiatives to encourage reading at home by assigning a journal of the books read instead of assigning homework.

At one elementary school, books were ordered with resource kits that covered different subjects, including sports, bullying, Black history, etc. These resource kits proved to be a great aid for students, and would not have been available without the support of First Book Canada.

“First Book Canada has put a smile on many faces at Gault Institute.” – Staff Member

Châteauguay, Quebec. 2018.