Recess: A Time for Playing Games… and Reading

Our school has been so fortunate to work with First Book Canada over the last few years. We have truly benefited from this special partnership, as all of our students have been given access to more books, as well as the opportunity for author visits. The excitement and pure joy that comes from these experiences has been priceless! Thank you First Book Canada, we are so grateful for your support!


A grade 1 teacher-librarian at this public school in Toronto has worked with First Book Canada to give books to students. The impact has been extraordinary in encouraging reading and literacy initiatives for young students. As a teacher, she encourages her students to dream big. Author visits and support from community volunteers have inspired her students to read more – at school and at home.

This Toronto public school is home to students from K to Grade 8. Many students face challenges both inside and outside of the classroom every day, ranging from community or gang violence to bullying. The stress that these children face can lead to difficulties regulating their emotions and behaviours in a classroom setting.

In many classrooms, 25% of the students require additional academic support and 10% are new to Canada. This can bring a wide scope of challenges in the classroom every day. There are programs at the school to help students tackle these challenges, such as breakfast, lunch, and snack programs, as well as many opportunities for sports teams and clubs.

First Book Canada has brought in authors to the school for students to meet and has provided access to brand new books through different initiatives. Teachers have noticed that students are reading the books in class, and students often take them outside during their lunch breaks.

Students are encouraged to read at home, and First Book Canada’s book donations have given them the opportunity to do so. Visits from authors and volunteers have helped to inspire students to read more and the impact that First Book Canada has had both inside and outside the classroom is extraordinary.